Collected Data Charts

Fraction to Decimal Equivalents

Fraction to Decimal Converter

Fraction <1/2" Decimal Fraction >1/2" Decimal
1/64 0.01563 33/64 0.51563
1/32 0.03125 17/32 0.53125
3/64 0.04688 35/64 0.54688
1/16 0.06250 9/16 0.56250
5/64 0.07813 37/64 0.57813
3/32 0.09375 19/32 0.59375
7/64 0.10938 39/64 0.60938
1/8 0.12500 5/8 0.62500
9/64 0.14063 41/64 0.64063
5/32 0.15625 21/32 0.65625
11/64 0.17188 43/64 0.67188
3/16 0.18750 11/16 0.68750
13/64 0.20313 45/64 0.70313
7/32 0.21875 23/32 0.71875
15/64 0.23438 47/64 0.73438
1/4 0.25000 3/4 0.75000
17/64 0.26563 49/64 0.76563
9/32 0.28125 25/32 0.78125
19/64 0.29688 51/64 0.79688
5/16 0.31250 13/16 0.81250
21/64 0.32813 53/64 0.82813
11/32 0.34375 27/32 0.84375
23/64 0.35938 55/64 0.85938
3/8 0.13500 7/8 0.87500
25/64 0.39063 57/64 0.89063
13/32 0.40625 29/32 0.90625
27/64 0.42188 59/64 0.92188
7/16 0.43750 15/16 0.93750
29/64 0.45313 61/64 0.95313
15/32 0.46875 31/32 0.96875
31/64 0.48438 63/64 0.98438
1/2 0.50000 1/1 1.00000

Drill Bits: Fractional, Metric, Letter, Number, & Associated UNC/UNF Threads

Enter either Fraction/Metric/1-97/A-Z size or Thread Size/Pitch

Thread Production

Thread Major Dia. Root Dia. Tap Drill Clearance Drill Allowed Load (lb)
(Brass) (Steel)
0-80 0.0600 0.0438 3/64 #50 8 13
1-64 0.0730 0.0527 #53 #46 11 18
1-72 0.0730 0.0550 #53 #46 12 19
2-56 0.0860 0.0628 #50 #41 15 24
2-64 0.0860 0.0657 #50 #41 17 27
3-48 0.0990 0.0719 #47 #35 20 32
3-56 0.0990 0.0758 #45 #35 23 37
4-40 0.1120 0.0795 #43 #30 25 40
4-48 0.1120 0.0840 #42 #30 28 45
5-40 0.1250 0.0925 #38 #29 34 54
5-44 0.1250 0.0955 #37 #29 36 58
6-32 0.1380 0.0974 #36 #25 37 59
6-40 0.1380 0.1055 #34 #25 44 70
8-32 0.1640 0.1234 #29 #16 60 96
8-36 0.1640 0.1279 #29 #16 64 102
10-24 0.1900 0.1359 #25 #7 73 117
10-32 0.1900 0.1494 #21 #7 88 141
12-24 0.2160 0.1619 #16 I 103 165
12-28 0.2160 0.1696 #14 I 113 181

Threads in Depth

  • n = threads/inch
  • P = pitch (inches/thread)
  • H = thread depth — sharp crest to sharp root (compound at 90°)
  • d = thread depth — flat crest to flat root (compound at 90°)
  • D = thread depth — sharp crest to flat root (compound at 90°)
  • X = thread depth — flat crest to sharp root (compound at 90°)
  • U = amount to undercut below nominal diameter for class 2A and 2B (female) threads
  • n P H d D X U Z
    160.0 0.00625 0.00541 0.00338 0.00406 0.00474 0.00135 0.00469
    120.0 0.00833 0.00722 0.00451 0.00541 0.00631 0.00180 0.00625
    96.0 0.01042 0.00902 0.00564 0.00677 0.00789 0.00226 0.00781
    90.0 0.01111 0.00962 0.00601 0.00722 0.00842 0.00241 0.00833
    80.0 0.01250 0.01083 0.00677 0.00812 0.00947 0.00271 0.00938
    72.0 0.01389 0.01203 0.00752 0.00902 0.01052 0.00301 0.01042
    64.0 0.01563 0.01353 0.00846 0.01015 0.01184 0.00338 0.01172
    56.0 0.01786 0.01546 0.00967 0.01160 0.01353 0.00387 0.01339
    48.0 0.02083 0.01804 0.01128 0.01353 0.01579 0.00451 0.01563
    44.0 0.02273 0.01968 0.01230 0.01476 0.01722 0.00492 0.01705
    40.0 0.02500 0.02165 0.01353 0.01624 0.01894 0.00541 0.01875
    36.0 0.02778 0.02406 0.01504 0.01804 0.02105 0.00601 0.02083
    32.0 0.03125 0.02706 0.01691 0.02030 0.02368 0.00677 0.02344
    28.0 0.03571 0.03093 0.01933 0.02320 0.02706 0.00773 0.02679
    27.0 0.03704 0.03208 0.02005 0.02406 0.02807 0.00802 0.02778
    24.0 0.04167 0.03608 0.02255 0.02706 0.03157 0.00902 0.03125
    20.0 0.05000 0.04330 0.02706 0.03248 0.03789 0.01083 0.03750
    18.0 0.05556 0.04811 0.03007 0.03608 0.04210 0.01203 0.04167
    16.0 0.06250 0.05413 0.03383 0.04059 0.04736 0.01353 0.04688
    14.0 0.07143 0.06186 0.03866 0.04639 0.05413 0.01546 0.05357
    13.0 0.07692 0.06662 0.04164 0.04996 0.05829 0.01665 0.05769
    12.0 0.08333 0.07217 0.04511 0.05413 0.06315 0.01804 0.06250
    11.5 0.08696 0.07531 0.04707 0.05648 0.06589 0.01883 0.06522
    11.0 0.09091 0.07873 0.04921 0.05905 0.06889 0.01968 0.06818
    10.0 0.10000 0.08660 0.05413 0.06495 0.07578 0.02165 0.07500
    9.0 0.11111 0.09623 0.06014 0.07217 0.08420 0.02406 0.08333
    8.0 0.12500 0.10825 0.06766 0.08119 0.09472 0.02706 0.09375
    7.0 0.14286 0.12372 0.07732 0.09279 0.10825 0.03093 0.10714
    6.0 0.16667 0.14434 0.09021 0.10825 0.12630 0.03608 0.12500
    5.0 0.20000 0.17321 0.10825 0.12990 0.15155 0.04330 0.15000
    4.5 0.22222 0.19245 0.12028 0.14434 0.16839 0.04811 0.16667
    4.0 0.25000 0.21651 0.13532 0.16238 0.18944 0.05413 0.18750

    Standard Metric Screws and Their Imperial Equivalents

  • dm = diameter (mm)
  • pm = pitch (mm)
  • di = diameter (in)
  • pi = pitch (in)
  • tdm =tap drill size (mm)
  • tdi = tap drill size (in)
  • dm x pm (di x pi) tdm (tdi) easily confused with
    1.6 x 0.35 (0.063 x 72.6) 1.25 (0.049) [0-80 = 0.060 x 80]
    1.8 x 0.35 (0.071 x 72.6) 1.45 (0.057) [1-72 = 0.073 x 72]
    2.0 x 0.40 (0.079 x 63.5) 1.60 (0.063) [2-64 = 0.085 x 64]
    2.2 x 0.45 (0.087 x 56.4) 1.75 (0.069) [2-56 = 0.085 x 56]
    2.5 x 0.45 (0.098 x 56.4) 2.05 (0.081) [3-56 = 0.099 x 56]
    3.0 x 0.50 (0.118 x 50.8) 2.50 (0.098) [4-48 = 0.112 x 48]
    3.5 x 0.60 (0.138 x 42.3) 2.90 (0.114) [6-40 = 0.138 x 40]
    4.0 x 0.70 (0.157 x 36.3) 3.30 (0.130) [8-36 = 0.164 x 36]
    4.5 x 0.75 (0.177 x 33.9) 3.75 (0.148)
    5.0 x 0.80 (0.197 x 31.8) 4.20 (0.165) [10-32 = 0.190 x 32]
    6.0 x 1.00 (0.236 x 25.4) 5.00 (0.197) [1/4-28 = 0.25 x 28]
    7.0 x 1.00 (0.276 x 25.4) 6.00 (0.236)
    8.0 x 1.25 (0.315 x 20.3) 6.75 (0.266)
    8.0 x 1.00 (0.315 x 25.4) 7.00 (0.276)
    10.0 x 1.50 (0.394 x 16.9) 8.50 (0.335)
    10.0 x 1.25 (0.394 x 20.3) 8.75 (0.344)
    12.0 x 1.75 (0.472 x 14.5)10.25 (0.404)
    12.0 x 1.25 (0.472 x 20.3)10.75 (0.423)
    14.0 x 2.00 (0.551 x 12.7)12.00 (0.472)
    14.0 x 1.50 (0.551 x 16.9)12.50 (0.492)
    16.0 x 2.00 (0.630 x 12.7)14.00 (0.551)
    16.0 x 1.50 (0.630 x 16.9)14.50 (0.571)
    18.0 x 2.50 (0.709 x 10.2)15.50 (0.610)
    18.0 x 1.50 (0.709 x 16.9)16.50 (0.650)
    20.0 x 2.50 (0.787 x 10.2)17.50 (0.689)
    20.0 x 1.50 (0.787 x 16.9)18.50 (0.728)
    22.0 x 2.50 (0.866 x 10.2)19.50 (0.768)
    22.0 x 1.50 (0.866 x 16.9)20.50 (0.807)
    24.0 x 3.00 (0.945 x 8.5) 21.00 (0.827)
    24.0 x 2.00 (0.945 x 12.7)22.00 (0.866)
    27.0 x 3.00 (1.063 x 8.5) 24.00 (0.945)
    27.0 x 2.00 (1.063 x 12.7)25.00 (0.984)

    Cutting Threads on the Lathe

    threading dial

    even numbered threads — use any line

    odd numbered threads — use any numbered line

    half threads — use any odd numbered line

    lathe setup

  • A — Threading tool upright, point toward lathe back
  • B — Threading tool inverted, point toward lathe back
  • C — Threading tool upright, point toward lathe front
  • D — Threading tool inverted, point toward lathe front
  • L — Direction of feed = Left
  • R — Direction of feed = Right
  • f — Forward Spindle Rotation
  • r — Reverse Spindle Rotation
  • To Cut Right Hand External Threads: Lf(A/D) Rr(B/C)

    To Cut Left Hand External Threads: Lr(B/C) Rf(A/D)

    To Cut Right Hand Internal Threads: Lf(B/C) Rr(A/D)

    To Cut Right Hand Internal Threads: Lr(A/D) Rf(B/C)

    Pipe Threading Data

  • S = Nominal Pipe Size (in)
  • T = Threads per Inch
  • D = Diameter (in)
  • TD = Tap Drill
    American Standard Taper Pipe
    1/16 27 0.3125D
    1/8 27 0.405R
    1/4 18 0.540 7/16
    3/8 18 0.675 37/64
    1/2 14 0.840 23/32
    3/4 14 1.050 59/64
    1 11.5 1.315 1-5/32
    1-1/4 11.5 1.660 1-1/2
    1-1/2 11.5 1.900 1-47/64
    2 11.5 2.375 2-7/32
    2-1/2 8 2.875 2-5/8
    3 8 3.500 3-1/4
    3-1/2 8 4.000 3-3/4
    4 8 4.500 4-1/4
    4-1/2 8 5.000 4-3/4
    5 8 5.563 5-9/32
    6 8 6.625 6-11/32
    7 8 7.625
    8 8 8.625
    9 8 9.625
    10 8 10.750
    12 8 12.750
    American Standard Straight Pipe
    1/8 27 0.405S
    1/4 18 0.540 29/64
    3/8 18 0.675 19/32
    1/2 14 0.840 47/64
    3/4 14 1.050 15/16
    1 11.5 1.315 1-3/16
    1-1/4 11.5 1.660 1-33/64
    1-1/2 11.5 1.900 1-3/4
    2 11.5 2.375 2-7/32
    2-1/2 8 2.875 2-21/32
    3 8 3.500 3-9/32
    3-1/2 8 4.000 3-2/32
    4 8 4.500 4-9/32
    4-1/2 8 5.000 4-25/32
    5 8 5.563 5-11/32
    6 8 6.625 6-13/32

    British Association Threads

    closest american counterpart for ba threads

    British Association ThreadsClosest American Threads
    BA SizeOD (in)TPI (in)Pitch (mm)ThreadOD (in)
    160.031134.0 0.19
    150.035 121.0 0.21
    140.039 110.0 0.23
    130.047 102.0 0.25
    120.051 90.9 0.28 0-80 0.060
    110.059 82.0 0.31
    100.066 72.6 0.35 1-72 0.073
    90.075 65.1 0.39
    80.087 59.1 0.43 2-56 0.086
    70.098 52.9 0.48 3-48 0.099
    60.110 47.9 0.53 4-48 0.112
    50.126 43.0 0.59 5-44 0.125
    40.142 38.5 0.66 6-40 0.138
    30.161 34.8 0.73 8-32 0.164
    20.185 31.4 0.81 10-32 0.190
    10.209 28.2 0.90 12-28 0.216
    00.236 25.4 1.00 4-28 0.250

    notes from me-05/05/95-529 post bag letter by Jim Nicholson

    Full series runs from 0 to 22.

    Thread angle = 47.5°.

    Crest and root radii = 0.18p (p=pitch).

    Pitches are calculated as p ( mm ) = 0.9 n (n=number of thread in BA series).

    Diameters are calculated as D ( mm ) = 6 p 1.2 .

    NOD (in)TPIPitch (mm)
    22 0.015 257.9 0.098
    21 0.017 232.1 0.109
    20 0.019 208.9 0.122
    19 0.021 188.0 0.135
    18 0.024 169.2 0.150
    17 0.028 152.3 0.167
    16 0.031 137.1 0.185
    15 0.035 123.4 0.206
    14 0.040 111.0 0.229
    13 0.046 99.9 0.254
    12 0.052 89.9 0.282
    11 0.059 80.9 0.314
    10 0.067 72.8 0.349
    9 0.076 65.6 0.387
    8 0.086 59.0 0.430
    7 0.097 53.1 0.478
    6 0.111 47.8 0.531
    5 0.126 43.0 0.590
    4 0.142 38.7 0.656
    3 0.162 34.8 0.729
    2 0.183 31.4 0.810
    1 0.208 28.2 0.900
    0 0.236 25.4 1.000

    tap drills for british standard whitworth and fine threads

    British Std WhitworthBritish Standard Fine
    ThreadTPITap DrillTPITap Drill
    9/32 402.55 mm
    3/16 243.70 mm 325/32
    7/32 284.65 mm
    1/4 205.10 mm 265.30 mm
    9/32 26
    5/16 186.50 mm 226.75 mm
    3/8 165/16 208.25 mm
    7/16 149.25 mm 189.70 mm
    1/2 1210.5 mm 167/16
    9/16 1212.10 mm 161/2
    5/8 1113.50 mm 1414.00 mm
    11/16 11 14
    3/4 1041/64 1216.75 mm
    7/8 919.25 mm 1125/32
    1 822.00 mm 1022.75 mm
    1-1/8 724.75 mm 925.50 mm
    1-1/4 71-3/32 928.75 mm
    1-3/8 831.50 mm
    1-1/2 633.50 mm 81-23/64
    1-3/4 539.00 mm
    2 4.5 44.50 mm

    Minimum Thread Engagement

    Ted Edwards, in Canada, published some minimum thread engagement data on the Usenet news group. I've reproduced his article below.

    I added another column to Ted's original data. The factor 'F' is:

    F = LE 3 diam

    I've seen 'rules-of-thumb' that state that minimum thread engagement should be equal to the diameter of the bolt. From Ted's data, that would be adequate for the LE1 case where the nut and bolt are the same strength.

    On the other hand, I've seen rules that say minimum thread engagement should be 1.5 times the diameter (or, equivalently, an 'F' factor of 1.5). Again, from Ted's data, that would appear to be a reasonable rule to use that would cover both the LE1 and LE3 cases.

    From Thu Feb 27 10:31:08 2003

    Newsgroups: rec.crafts.metalworking

    Subject: Re: Thread engagement

    From: Ted Edwards []

    Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 18:31:08 GMT

    data for calculating thread strength

    #4 0.112 40 0.006 0.07 0.123 1.098 48 0.007 0.076 0.135 1.205
    #6 0.138 32 0.009 0.085 0.149 1.080 40 0.01 0.093 0.168 1.217
    #8 0.164 32 0.014 0.106 0.194 1.183 36 0.015 0.111 0.205 1.250
    #10 0.19 24 0.018 0.116 0.209 1.100 32 0.02 0.128 0.239 1.258
    1/4 0.25 20 0.032 0.155 0.287 1.148 28 0.036 0.172 0.331 1.324
    5/16 0.3125 18 0.052 0.198 0.378 1.210 24 0.058 0.215 0.421 1.347
    3/8 0.375 16 0.077 0.24 0.465 1.240 24 0.088 0.266 0.532 1.419
    7/16 0.4375 14 0.106 0.279 0.546 1.248 20 0.119 0.305 0.614 1.403
    1/2 0.5 13 0.142 0.322 0.637 1.274 20 0.16 0.356 0.725 1.450
    5/8 0.625 11 0.226 0.403 0.81 1.296 18 0.256 0.448 0.927 1.483
    3/4 0.75 10 0.334 0.489 0.999 1.332 16 0.373 0.538 1.125 1.500
    7/8 0.875 9 0.462 0.572 1.18 1.349 14 0.50 0.622 1.313 1.501
    1 1 8 0.606 0.652 1.354 1.354 12 0.663 0.703 1.492 1.492

    Wood Screw Data

  • N = Nominal Size
  • T = Threads per Inch
  • D = Diameter of Unthreaded Root
  • B = Body Drill Size (in)
  • S = Pilot Drill Size in Soft Wood (in)
  • H = Pilot Drill Size in Hard Wood (in)
    11 .20344029
    16 9.268I2910
    18 8.294N266
    20 8.320P193
    24 7.372V15D

    Recommended Drill Sizes for Self-Tapping Screws (Sheet Metal)

  • N = Number
  • T = Threads per Inch
  • OD = Outside Diameter
  • A = Drill for heavy metals
  • B = Drill for Light metals
    2 32 .086 49 49
    4 24 .112 41 41
    5 20 .125 36 36
    6 20 .138 32 32
    7 19 .151 30 30
    8 18 .164 28 29
    10 16 .190 20 21
    12 14 .216 13 14
    1/4 14 .250 3 4
    5/16 12 .313 IH
    3/8 12 .375RQ

    Tap Shank Diameter vs. Thread Minor Diameter

    hsm 1/1/97 - pg. 23

    Tap SizeMajor DiameterShank DiameterMinor Thread Diameter
    0 .060 .141 .0465
    1 .073 .141 .0561
    2 .086 .141 .0580
    4 .112 .141 .0764
    5 .125 .141 .0979
    6 .138 .141 .1040
    8 .164 .168 .1300
    10 .190 .194 .1450
    12 .216 .220 .1710
    1/4 .250 .255 .1960
    5/16 .312 .318 .2520
    3/8 .375 .381.3070

    Taps 7/16" diameter and larger have shanks that are smaller than the thread minor diameter.